Our basic and advanced on-site tracking schools have been developed to assist officers in learning the most powerful techniques available for locating suspects who have fled from crime scenes. In many regions of North America this art has been lost over the years due to the advent of shorter training schools. Under normal circumstances it requires a 12 to 14 week program in order to include the tracking profiles in a dog in order for him to be capable of street ready tracking. Consistent ongoing training is also required to maintain this valuable profile. Our tracking specific program concentrates specifically on the tracking profile during the time the team is in attendance. It must be understood that the end result will depend largely on the amount of experience the team has in tracking prior to coming into the program, and the amount of time the student can attend the program.
If the team has no previous tracking experience at all and the dog has the appropriate ability, the team will meet the level one and has the potential to meet our level two specifications for tracking at the end of a four week program. If the team has prior experience and is at a superior level one specification prior to attending the program, the team can expect to reach a level two and target for level three specifications at the end of the four week school. For those who are already meeting these specifications, the teams will be challenged to include advanced urban hard surface tracking techniques.
We also provide a 6 week intensive tracking school based out of Calgary, Alberta CANADA for those interested in taking a dedicated program that will start from the beginning and give you a complete tracking dog at the end of the course.