Eden Consulting Group has been operational since 1991, training both law enforcement and military K9 handlers. We provide law enforcement and military tactical training, K9 Management skills as well as Narcotics and Explosives detection profiles. Since 1991 we have provided superior training to our military and law enforcement dog handlers and management teams and have assisted them enhance their skills for street deployments. The vast combined experience of all our team members and our commitment to excellence have earned us a reputation as the providers of training programs in the industry.
The International Police K9 Conference is a personal endeavor with specific goals and challenges. The continued success of these programs is contingent on the quality of training and benefits police K9 handlers realize. The long term goal is to make K9 work in policing more professional in such a manner that each of our jobs is safer through sound tactical training, and to bring all officers and administrators involved in K9 work closer together in an effort to heighten our quality of work ethic and standard.
We have endeavored to find the finest and most professional instructors available in North America for this program. Each year the instructors and programs are changed slightly to continue to provide a varied and interesting program. I am confident you will find no more knowledgeable or capable instructors anywhere in the world.
None of these instructors will tell you that their way is the only way of doing things. Many of them even have different viewpoints from one another in the same field. What is important however is that the methods they use in their programs work for them! You have an opportunity to gain knowledge from their expertise, filter through the information which is provided for you at these conferences, and use those theories, training methods and techniques which you feel are applicable to your program, or to your personal abilities as a handler, trainer, or administrator.
I firmly believe that none of us have perfected the art of dog training. We are all students who are continuing to improve our skills in this field. Each of our instructors learns as much from working with the participants as do the officers who attend the conference as students. In choosing instructors with open minds and objective viewpoints, I feel we have maintained a quality within the conference that is hard to match.
In my opinion, there is no finer or more challenging career to work, than when you combine policing with the skills of K9 work. These conferences provide an opportunity to test your skills and to improve on those training problems that you might have. You have an opportunity for these five days to draw upon the knowledge of not only the finest world renowned instructors on the continent, but also from each other. Do not under estimate the skills and knowledge of your fellow classmates. The most important lessons you may learn during these programs might not come from the instructors or the lesson material, but from your fellow officers in sharing training information.
The times ahead will be troubled times in the law enforcement community. Police dog applications are a particularly favorite target of civil liberty agencies throughout the United States at this point in time. It is up to you to maintain a level of professionalism that will protect all of us from those who seek to restrict K9 work in law enforcement. As working the streets becomes more of a danger to the officers and the citizens who we protect, there are those who are consistently trying to strip us of any physical, mental or spiritual security we now have as police officers. As police officers, and as K9 handlers, we cannot allow that to happen. Regardless of what training or apprehension methods you might adhere to, the time has come for all agencies to come together and work towards a common goal. That goal should be to provide the most effective and ethical service possible to the community for which we work. This cannot be done on continued restricted budgets and will need the support of police administrations around the country if it is to succeed.
Bruce Jackson of the Pierce County Sheriff Dept, made a statement that has set a standard for me for many years. I don’t think he realized how much of an influence he had on me at the time, but I feel his statement stands true for today just as it did then...
“Your mission is clear cut and well defined. The set of philosophies you develop in order to achieve that mission will determine whether you make a beneficial contribution to the role police dogs play in modern law enforcement or whether you become a liability which undermines the good work of many men and women before you.”
We need to support each other, regardless of philosophical differences if we are going to succeed in meeting these objectives. We are striving to put together the most informative K9 package available. If you have any comments or suggestions on how we can better improve our services to you, please do not hesitate to ask.
Robert S. Eden - Director
Eden Consulting Group